Monday, March 30, 2009
on the road again...
{day four nine} 3 mile workout... man i am DRAGGING!!! motivation!!! where did you go??? come home please... i miss you! SERIOUSLY...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
don't wake me please...
{day four eight} keep the blinds closed kinda day... this junk had too much fun and too much wine...

Saturday, March 28, 2009
time for some good company...
{day four seven} tony and i are having a little get together with a bunch of lovelies so my workout today is mopping and cleaning...and rock band!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
got to move it move it...
{day four four} i'm trying to spend more time outdoors and less time in front of the computer or tv...well mainly computer because tv doesn't do much for me, i have to be really bored or really lazy...but i can spend all day on the computer reading and searching for music. ok, back to point. i left my ipod, watch, and stupid pedometer! (that one i didn't want to leave!) at home. i wanted to reconnect with mother earth and the birds, wind, kids laughter in the distance, my breathing...and the occasional damn dog with the stick up it's butt barking at me....was my rhythm. i went five miles and enjoyed it. great way to clear my head and relax. but i'm still a little ticked that i forgot the pedometer....that could have been almost 12 or 15 thousand points! ughhhh! okay. breathe. okay breathe again. okay one more time. okay. totally over it now. oh and p.s. i'm officially an old woman because i had to take a nap (which i always believed to be a waste of time and could never do) as soon as i got home just to get the energy to get out of the house. and i think napping is going to have to start becoming routine. lovely.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
{day four three} i don't know what is up. i came home around 5:30, fell asleep at 6:00 and woke up @ 9! lied in bed, waited till tony got home and then went back to sleep around 11:30ish. SO tired. again, what's up with that?
Monday, March 23, 2009
back to reality...
{day four two} i'm done with spanish. i've exhausted my espanol number knowledge. so back to the mission. let's see. today i walked for an hour. i got my free pedometer from virgin health miles last week (a promotional health thingy that the school district is trying this year) and put it to work today. 7 thousand and something steps. i synced it and after browsing the website i realized that with the steps i can earn points and with the points i can purchase fitness monitors or gift cards to target or or other worthy stores. very cool!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
starting the monday right...
{day veintiocho} thank you. thank you. i would like to thank the many littles who without, this great accomplishment would not have been possible. i would like to thank stir fry veggies and brown rice for giving the calories and energy needed to move my lovely junk in my trunk. i would like to thank all the lovely beats, high and low, residing in my ipod. especially mister doctor dre and eminem. you are the hip and the hop in my stride. i'd like to thank my mizunos and my dri fit clothing. and last but not least the wind. you made it all the most enjoyable. without all of you i would not have ran FIVE miles nonstop! that's right. hills and all! woohoo! it felt good to still have energy for my victory dance.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
riding in the wind...
{day veintiseis} tony and i went to castroville today. we rode our bikes along medina river and faced a couple of hills. the butt, unbelievably sore. but the wind in my face. totally worth it! we rode for maybe an hour and a half.
Friday, March 6, 2009
fundraiser movie night...
{day veinticinco} spring break! finally, a week off to do whatever i want. this freedom, of course, started after our grade level's fundraiser movie night. madagascar two, sausage tacos, nachos and jalapenos, hot cheetos and cheese, soda, all the sweets and candy you can imagine. what else could kids want? if was a fun night. but unfortunately no workout...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
i just got to get it done!
{day veinticuatro} man i had to drag myself to the elliptical today. i did my hour workout and then my 8 minute abs, buns, and arms. the i fell asleep on my mat. jeez. one more day till SPRING BREAK! and sleeping in... ahhhh.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
addicted to wedding sites...
{day veintitres} so basically my junk sat at the computer all evening as i browsed through numerous wedding blogs and sites for dress, accessory, jewelry, and shoe ideas. before i knew it, tony was home and it was time to go to sleep...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
goodbye taks...for now...
{day veintidos} FINALLY! i ran my whole 3 mile hilly route. the long, gradual hill i always walk on was almost the end of me, but i got through it! very proud...very proud...
Monday, March 2, 2009
my blackberry is getting way too distracting...
{day veintiuno} i got off the blackberry just in time to put in a good hour of some elliptical time. blackberry might be trouble. i'm losing focus here!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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